The Cashup Screen allows you to enter the takings for the day to ensure they balance with the amounts processed.
Complete the fields in the tables for Cash takings, Non-cash takings and Non-Banked takings as described below:
Using the method used for entering Cash denominations, enter the amounts of all Non Cash methods of payment (i.e. Cheques, Card payments).
Non-Banked refers to any transaction payments that are not physically banked. Enter the Non-banked details as per the Cash and Non-Cash Tabs.
This section of the page shows all possible cash denominations.
•For each denomination, type the total value of cash you have in the till into the appropriate field.
•The Declared field updates to reflect the amount of cash you have declared.
•The Actual amount shows the total of all cash transactions taken that session / day.
•The Difference field will show the difference between the Actual amount you should have, and the amount you have Declared.
Once all the takings have been entered, press the OK button to process the cashup. A narrative can be entered for future reference (eg. today's date)
When the cashup has been processed, the screen will be greyed out and you will have the option to print the cashup report.
An example of a cashup report