Schedule data and card info is stored within a Capita Data Centre; no sensitive card data is stored in your / Income Management database.
If schedules are set-up to take a payment on the 29th, 30th or 31st of the month, then where there is no such date in a particular month during the schedule, the payment will be taken on the last day of the month instead.
Within the data centre, the schedule process runs every night at around 3am. Any payments due that day will be attempted.
A receipt for the payment will be emailed to the customer's email address setup on the schedule. A copy will also be sent to the departmental address - if this has been configured in Income Management.
Payment Receipt below
Receipts will be formatted with your logo, but the layout and wording is fixed as per above example.
Details of authorised payments will be included in the Scheduled Payments Report (see below), which will be placed in your existing Managed Service End of Day area for collection.
If a payment has been declined, then a declined receipt is sent to the customer's email address setup on the schedule. A copy will also be sent to the departmental address - if this has been configured in Income Management.
Declined receipt below.
Receipts will be formatted with your logo, but the layout and wording is fixed as per above example.
Details of declined payments will be included in the Scheduled Payments Report (see below), which will be placed in your existing Managed Service End of Day area for collection.
Please Note: The system does not make any further attempts to collect a scheduled payment which has been declined.
The reason for this is that if were we to retry, this would have to be some days later, having given the cardholder enough time to either top-up their current account or pay-off their credit card debt – how much later and how successful that retry would be is debatable.
This works in a similar way to direct debits and standing orders, which banks do not retry automatically. Also, it is very likely that the payer may have made the payment by other means in the meantime which would result in a duplicate payment.
You should use the declined email or Scheduled Payments report to contact the customer to arrange for the missed payment to be collected. All subsequent payments within the schedule will be attempted as normal
Scheduled Payment Report
A report of scheduled / recurring payments will be included in your download area each day. This will show the schedule details and will be in two sections to separate payments which have been authorised or declined. The fund and reference code are included, which will allow you to contact account holders whose payments have been declined, so that they can arrange to make another payment.
SCHEDULED PAYMENT REPORT - Site:12 Creation Date:08-08-16 14:57:10
Schedule Sched Fund Card Card Payment
Id Src Date Code Reference Amount Surname Postcode Type Nmbr Date & Time
-------------------- --- -------- ----- -------------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ---- ---- --------------
S sched4 PN 20-06-16 AAA Ref3 120.00 Smith AB1 2CD AMEX 2118 20-06-16 04:03
S sched3 SS 20-06-16 Fund3 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST 23.45 MCRD 1313 20-06-16 04:10
S sched1 PN 20-06-16 XXX Ref1 120.00 Bloggs LL12 3XY VISA 9014 20-06-16 04:00
-------------------- --- -------- ----- -------------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ---- ---- --------------
RECORDS: 3 263.45
D SS sched3 20-06-16 Fund1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST 10.99 MCRD 3131 24-06-16 03:45
D PN sched5 20-06-16 F666 Ref4 120.00 Murray AB1 3ZZ VISA 3142 24-06-16 03:45
- --- -------------------- -------- ----- -------------------- ------------ ---------- -------- ---- ---- -------------- ------
RECORDS: 2 130.99
Source: PN – SS - Self-Service Date Format: DD-MM-YY