MOTO Transactions

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MOTO Transactions

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MOTO transactions

During MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order) transactions or when there is a problem with the card chip / swipe, you will not have the card present to enter a PIN.


You will need to enter the card number and other information requested on the screen displayed below.



Note: The images below might differ from what is seen on your system. This is all dependant on the type of card reader used.




Once the card number, expiry date and CSV (Card Security Verification) number has been entered (other information can also be entered if the card requires it), the current processes will be displayed and receipts printed.


On a successful transaction, the Authorisation code will be displayed on the main screen.






Card check is done as soon as the card number has been entered. If the check doesn't match, an error message will be displayed:

Press OK to continue and enter the card number again.

Press OK to continue and enter the card number again.


If the incorrect card number is entered again, the transaction will be cancelled and the Cancelled Receipts printed.